Monday, July 16, 2012

Eat the Rainbow in a Salad

Anyone hate salad? I know I don't! Sure, I've whipped up and eaten terrible salads before that make me feel as though dieting is more difficult than brain surgery, but then I remember how important it is to pack your day with fruits and vegetables and a salad is the best way to do that. From now on when I find myself looking at a plate of whites and browns and in desperate need of some color but have NO idea what to make, I will remember these three words:

  • Inspiration
What I mean by inspiration is knowing that a salad can be a unique dining experience. Take this website for example, 101 Simple Summer Salads. Here we have literally 101 summer salads to fix for lunch, dinner, or a snack and repeat again by the end of summer. Salads are not always a wilted green mess with a few veggies on top, on this list I guarantee you'll find your favorite seasonal flavors like watermelon, mango, and strawberries, and even comfort foods like steak and grilled cheese! If you couldnt stand the thought of salad before try one of these, anyone, and I'm sure you'll dream of it after. 
  • Intelligence
Being knowledgeable about what tastes good with what comes with a little experimentation. I've thrown plenty of "genius" salads together that just tasted heinous, and some curveballs that were delightful. You can experiment with different kinds of lettuce: romaine, loose leaf, iceberg (there are surprisingly many) and most importantly flavors! What dressing goes best with feta? How to keep the vibrant taste of mango present? How to pack in the veggies and keep it tasting yummy? Answer is one word: experiment!
  • Integrity
This is the best key word when dieting and trying new things. You must have integrity and be true to your self. The more lying and convincing you do will only make you less happy about the food you eat. Eating provides nutrition to our bodies, but don't forget it is also a form of entertainment. Let your self be happy with what you munch on, but it goes full circle because you must also be true to your body. Just because you hate Kale doesn't mean you can never eat it. Spice it up with cayenne and chop it up into tiny pieces and mix into eggs for breakfast. There is a fine line between being true to your soul on what tastes good, and being true to your body on what actually is good. 

So let's set a goal! This week I will try at least 5 of these summer salads and have a great time cooking and eating them! 5 is hardly a dent out of 101!
Happy Monday!

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