Friday, September 28, 2012

The Happy, The Horrible


Not just new singles but new albums  from two of my favorite bands: Mumford and Sons and The Killers! My mind is full of blissful melodies today!

Today I had chicken! I think I'm slowly emerging from my vegetarian hole which is sort of exciting! While I don't see myself slicing up a T Bone anytime soon a little bit of added protein never did anyone here we go! 

And of course back to school means meeting new friends! I am so excited to get to know the Freshman Ducks either going through recruitment or sitting next to me in class! I love seeing fresh faces around this old campus. 


The amount of reading I've had for Religion, Love and Death class, not to mention how dense and deeply philosophical it is. Don't get me wrong, I love the occasional brain stretch and wrapping my mind around concepts I've never even considered, but it gets exhausting! I guess that's what college is for, RIGHT?! 

Realizing how fast college will go by. I'm done with my first week of my Sophomore year today, and I can vividly remember this day a year ago. Jeez, time flies when you're busy as heck

Getting sick. It's inevitable, as living in a house with 50+ girls means germs, germs, germs. And though every morning I take  a vitamin B pill to help with energy and my immune system, which has definitely provided some happiness, I'm still feeling the sniffles and sore throat creeping up very, very slowly. 

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