Thursday, July 24, 2014



I'm thrilled you've stopped by to peruse my thoughts. I am a Los Angeles native but have temporarily relocated to Eugene, Oregon where I am attending school and getting some much needed sun protection. Other than my collection of rain gear, I have also accumulated a love for writing while at school, so I use this space to cleanse my brain of my many tasteful inquiries.

If you feel like discovering something delicious checkout my eat category where I house eclectic recipes brought to you from my kitchen or favorite eateries. Likewise, you can always find a good drink in section next door. 

Although I would like to think I am a "do-er" or "go-getter" most of the time, sometimes I like to sit back and just think. I share some of my thoughts and questions under the think tab and next door you'll be able to access some of my writing. 



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