Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Happy:

1. Summer is so very very near! I can't wait to soak up the sun and relax at home without any required reading or deadlines. Though I'm thrilled to get home, I will definitely be missing the Eug this summer! 

2. I will be working at a summer day camp with eight to ten year olds this summer. I'm really looking forward to working with my team at the Y and providing a memorable summer for the kids. Our goal is to make a difference in one kid's life, everyday. 

3. Speaking of NO required textbook reading I can finally catch up on some trendy novels while relaxing at home and drinking sweet sun tea, one of my very favorite summer pastimes. 

The Horrible:

1. Finals are really coming in heavy this term and it's even more difficult to strap down and study when the skies are blue and the temps are high. Stress levels are high but next week will be so worth the wait. 

2. Moving/moving from friends is extra difficult this time around. While I'm so anxious to get back to SoCal to see friends and family there, I'll definitely miss the pals I've become closer with this year. I'm definitely not looking forward to goodbyes in the next few days. 

3. Lastly, what I', dreading more than anything is dropping my little sis off at school hundreds of miles away from home. I'll have a whole two months at home without the comfort of her ridiculous words and hearing about her silly adventures. While it'll be hard to drive away I am almost more excited for her to begin her college career than I was to begin mine. 

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