Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Little Things

Welcome followers, friends and fun people. This is a blog of clever opinion, rich inspiration, and cutting-edge culture to help highlight the little things that keep our world revolving. There is an endless scroll of those little things that put the pep in my step or the bounce in your boots from a cup of coffee with the perfect amount of cream and sugar, a call from an old friend, that outfit that makes you feel fabulous all day long or discovering a fresh, catchy tune. Though tiny, we never realize that our personalities are created from that quick fix of happy, whatever it might be for you. 
Thus said, I decided to name this blog Serendipity, meaning a "happy accident" or a "pleasant surprise", based on my adoration for these "little things". After all I believe everyday is exactly a happy accident in which every pleasant surprise ends and begins with the little thing that nurtures who you are. 

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